Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group

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last person joined: 7 days ago 

Charge: To promote and develop competencies around evidence synthesis including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, and other related methods of research synthesis, through activities such as: Facilitating discussion and peer-support; Creating and managing a resource page; Encouraging programming and publications around systematic reviews through ACRL.
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  • 1.  News Scoping review

    Posted Sep 15, 2023 01:06 PM

    Hi All,

    Please excuse repitition:

    Hi All,

    I have a weird Covidence question for you. I have a faculty member that is asking this question.  Have you ever seen anyone use Covidence to do a scoping review (or any kind of analysis) using news articles rather than scholarly work? They  are thinking about turning out a scoping article on current events news articles in an education topic.

    Have you seen anything like this or have a better idea for how to do it?

    Thanks for your input,

    Joanne Hélouvry

    Librarian for Education, Psychology, Cognitive Science & Neuroscience


    [Joanne] [Hélouvry]
    [Librarian for Education & Psychology]
    [Johns Hopkins University]


  • 2.  RE: News Scoping review

    Posted Sep 18, 2023 11:43 AM

    This is a really intriguing idea. I haven't seen any scoping reviews using news sources with Covidence or any other review software, though I don't see why you couldn't. Maybe you could find some examples of such a thing to share with the researcher, if you haven't already.

    Darlene Nichols
    Grants and Foundations Librarian
    University of Michigan Library

  • 3.  RE: News Scoping review

    Posted Sep 18, 2023 08:50 PM

    I don't see why Covidence wouldn't work. It might have a hard time finding the full text. This project also sounds more like a Content Analysis, and I'm currently working on a Content Analysis using Covidence. Not with news papers, but I think it would still be fine. I've also worked on a scoping review where we brought some news articles and other types of gray literature in.  Covidence is pretty rigid on some things and wants to force you to follow the SR steps of a Cochrane-style review. But I've still found it works with a lot of different types of evidence synthesis methodologies. 

    Elle Covington
    Research Specialist Librarian
    University of Nebraska, Lincoln