Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group

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last person joined: 5 days ago 

Charge: To provide academic librarians with a forum to discuss issues related to library service for graduate students, including instruction, outreach, reference, collections, and programming; develop guidelines and resources that will assist academic librarians with providing quality services for their graduate students.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email
Before you post: please note job postings are prohibited on ALA Connect. Please see the Code of Conduct for more information.

New ALA Online Code of Conduct and Job Postings

  • 1.  New ALA Online Code of Conduct and Job Postings

    Posted Aug 02, 2022 10:58 AM
    Hello everyone, 

    You should have been prompted to agree to the new Connect Code of Conduct upon logging in. The new code calls for job listings to be shared only in the ALA Jobs community on Connect, rather than in other group spaces, including this one. 

    I've copied the specific language here: 

    Job Postings are Restricted to the ALA Job Community or ALA JobLIST. We recommend the use of the ALA JobLIST career center for a greater variety of career-related services. If you do choose to post an opportunity Connect, it can be placed in our ALA Jobs community only.

    Jessica Hagman
    Social Sciences Research Librarian
    University of Illinois Urbana Champaign