Hi, I'm currently an MLS student trying to find my place in librarianship, so I'm researching different career paths. I have a personal interest in criminology, so I've considered going down the law librarianship route, but I'm not sure if I want to go back to school to get my JD. And, honestly, general law doesn't really interest me. I recently discovered criminology libraries, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for starting/finding a career in that field. Also, how hard is it to find a job in that field? Are there other job opportunities for someone with an MLS and a specialization in criminology besides working in a special/academic library?
Are there any other degrees that are required (besides an MLS)? I have a B.A. and M.A. in English, so I was wondering if this sort of niche library position would even be an option for me considering how specialized it is.
Thank you!
Hannah Franklin
Texas Woman's UniversitySchool of Library and Information Science