ACRL Government Relations Committee

Meeting agenda and notes for September 16, 2024

  • 1.  Meeting agenda and notes for September 16, 2024

    Posted Sep 27, 2024 05:27 PM
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    Hi all, 

    My apologies to everyone. I have been locked out of my ALA account for a couple of weeks. I finally gained access this morning! PHEW!

    Our agenda and meeting notes from September 16, 2024 are below:

    Here is our agenda for today: 

                  I             Introductions, Kevin Walker, Alison Payne, Kaitlyn Tanis-chair, Natalie Marquez-vice chair, Laura Hall, Jim Abernathy, Nancy Calabrese, Lorely Ambriz, Brett Spencer, Sarah Mchone-Chase

                  II           Quick Rundown of Work and Responsibilities 

                  a           Here is the Legislative Agenda for 2024-2025

                  III          Share Draft of new Legislative Agenda for 2025 - 2026

                  a           Discuss sections and responsibilities 

    Usually set the end date for May and then we (NEM/KT) submit,

    Spring meeting in April to ask for edits,

    So done with edits by March?

    Add emerging technologies to the main area

    Add DEIA-TOPIC IS BROAD, so would have to decide what to include and be specific

    FAFSA problems for last year, separate topic or incorporated in another topic

    Divy up sections

    1. Upholding Intellectual Freedom - Natalie, Kaitlyn, Sarah
    2. Federal Funding for Libraries - Kevin
    3. Net Neutrality - H, Nancy
    4. Safety and Security of Artificial Intelligence - Jim, Natalie, and Lorely
    5. Open Access and Federally Funded Research - Natalie
    6. Affordable College Textbook Act - Kaitlyn, Brett, Nancy
    7. Watchlist:
      1. Proposed Elimination of the IPEDS Academic Libraries Survey - Allison
      2. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA)/Immigration Issues - Natalie
      3. Environmental Impact of Data Centers and Emerging Technologies - Jim
      4. Consumer Data Privacy - Natalie, Kaitlyn
      5. Accessible Instructional Materials - Brett, Lorely

    Good to Know - Kaitlyn

    -Do research on topics and touch base with co-authors, make comments on the document

    -Will meet at the end of October, KT will send out doodle poll with a couple of dates starting mid-October to the end of October

    -West Coast committee members like this time-10am-as a good meeting time.

    -NEM will put the minutes on ALA Connect-when it is fixed.

    Natalie Marquez
    Library Assistant 4
    University of California, Irvine