ACRL Assessment Discussion Group

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last person joined: 7 days ago 

Charge: To provide a forum for assessment librarians – and those with responsibility for, and interest in, library assessment – to discuss methods, training, results, impact, institutional needs and challenges, and seek solutions to common problems faced by the library assessment community.
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  • 1.  Looking for a Co-Convener for the Library Assessment DG!

    Posted Dec 05, 2022 08:55 AM

    Hello again from one of the co-conveners of the ACRL Library Assessment Discussion Group!

    Great plans for fall activity went a bit awry when my co-convener, Paul, had to step away from his role with this group (thanks to Paul for helping me "launch" earlier this year).

    Would someone like to join in the fun and help me re-set the year for the DG?  It would be great to get some virtual conversations going!

    Speaking of conversations, I'd love to meet up informally at ACRL in March.  Not a formal "DG meeting" (we'll do one or more of those virtually this year) - but a chance to meet some other assessment folks, knowing that it's been a while since most of us have had the opportunity to gather with colleagues in person.  (I'm probably not alone in having ACRL be my first in person conference since the world changed.)

    I'm going to look into having an "official meeting location" ready in Pittsburgh, if any are still available - but I'm also open to an informal gathering somewhere (as in...hey, if your free at x time, stop by y and say hello to some assessment friends!).

    And - if you have great ideas for making a meet-up happen - how 'bout joining me as co-facilitator?

    Hope everyone in these communities are well.  And the invitation Paul and I tossed out there in our inaugural post as conveners still stands: Feel free to introduce yourself and describe briefly assessment work you're immersed in right now.

    Me?  We're running LibQUAL...and the participation so far (2+ weeks in) is disappointing.  I'm thinking a lot about the era of long-form surveys...which I suspect is past (and has been past for some time).  [No knock on LQ as an instrument, ARL friends -- it's a workhorse of a survey!]

    Be well this month of tying up loose knots from the semester,
    Your convener (in search of a "co"),

    Susanna Cowan, Coord. for Library Research & Assessment (UConn)

    Susanna Cowan
    Coordinator for Library Research & Assessment
    University of Connecticut

  • 2.  RE: Looking for a Co-Convener for the Library Assessment DG!

    Posted Dec 06, 2022 07:32 AM
    Thanks, Susanna. What an offer!

    As someone who co-convened, and then convened the Assessment Discussion Group for many years, I can assure you - this is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the assessment community, to support networking and professional development in library assessment, AND to be part of the leadership of ACRL.
    New ideas and change are always welcome, as evidenced by how the group and its work have evolved over the years, from formal, in-person programming at ALA meetings to online discussion boards for sharing ideas and best practices.  And it's accessible to all.

    Please do consider serving!

    Nancy B. Turner
    Director, Planning, Strategy & Organizational Evolution
    Temple University Libraries