ACRL DSS Data Information Literacy Discussion Group

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last person joined: 7 days ago 

To provide a collaborative forum for discussion about data information literacy in academic and research libraries.
  • 1.  Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 05, 2022 05:08 PM
    Hi All,

    Wondering if this would be the correct community for the topic of locating datasets in academic libraries?

    June Kim
    northcentral university

  • 2.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 06, 2022 09:34 AM
    I'll bet there are plenty of folks in this community who are happy to discuss.  Are you looking for datasets in general, datasets about academic libraries, or something else?

    Janet Schalk
    Pasco-Hernando State College

  • 3.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 07, 2022 04:55 PM

    Thank you so much for the response!

    I was wondering if anyone has done workshops for students on locating datasets. We have one but could use some additional training...


  • 4.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 08, 2022 08:14 AM
    Hmm...I have not done any workshops myself, but I remember the book Databrarianship: The Academic Data Librarian in Theory and Practice was full of great ideas and case-studies, and I'm almost certain it discussed conducting workshops. Other folks on this forum may have more specific advice. Good luck!

    Janet Schalk
    Pasco-Hernando State College

  • 5.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 08, 2022 12:09 PM
    Thank you for the tip! We do have this in our library so will check it out!

    June Kim
    Northcentral University

  • 6.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 08, 2022 05:05 PM
    I think this could be a great webinar.  
    Here are my two cents:
    1) The best way to identify datasets is by reading through articles to learn where the researcher got their data to get their statistics.  Depending on the age of the article, look for graphs or tables in the article to learn where they got their data (ie Source:....) faster than reading through the methodology.  Unfortunately, it was not until the past decade that datasets are included in bibliographies.
    2) If you are looking just for free big datasets, to learn/run a statistical analysis program you will most likely have to use Federal government data.  Not complete, but a good place to start is
    3) Federal data is generally in Public Domain (better than open data) NGOs use Open Data licenses, now but not always
    4) a) If you want Social Science data from the government agencies b) if you want Natural Science data look into repositories or governments, current grants generally require data be made available using Data Management Plans (DMP)
    5) If you want customized data, it will be expensive and a lot of license issues or collect it (don't forget to get IRB involved).
    So much to this simple question.  Please add any other advice...

    [Jennifer] [Boettcher]
    Business Reference Librarian
    (202) 687-7495

  • 7.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 09, 2022 03:03 PM
    Thanks for the input Jennifer! This is all really helpful.
    I think that your first suggestion might be more fruitful than searching repositories ... also there are more search filters to work with in a library database.

    June Kim
    Northcentral University

  • 8.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 12, 2022 08:37 AM

    We created an OER on different topics for the target group early career researchers. There is one on research data, which has a segment on "finding data". This was done about three years ago - it may be a bit dated. We want to update it, so feedback is most welcome. Maybe parts of the module could be reused in different contexts.

     Also, Thomas Bourke at EUI is an expert on finding data. He might be able to help or might have done some seminars or so:

    Open Resources for Economics and Business Studies:

    Tamara Pianos She/Her/Hers
    Head of Information Provision and Access
    ZBW - Leibniz - Informations Centre for Economics
    Kiel Germany

  • 9.  RE: Locating Datasets

    Posted Aug 14, 2022 08:48 PM

    Oh wow, thank you for sharing!

    I've had such helpful responses, will need to organize and re-read it all!