Universal Accessibility Interest Group

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last person joined: 5 days ago 

Charge: Offers librarians, support staff, students, and other advocates networking and collaboration opportunities, information sharing and programming to promote accessibility in academic libraries, including web accessibility, assistive technology, reference and instruction for users with disabilities and captioning processes.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrluaig@ConnectedCommunity.org
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Higher Ed Digital Accessibility Poll

  • 1.  Higher Ed Digital Accessibility Poll

    Posted Aug 14, 2023 09:25 AM

    Hello UAIG!

    Educause is running a short QuickPoll about digital accessibility the next few days. This will help provide really important data that I'm happy to share with y'all once it comes out. It closes Tues., Aug 15. Please please if you'd fill it out and share with any higher ed colleagues you know (including but not limited to those of us working in technology or other parts of disability accessibility work).  Full details available in the IT Accessibility Educause Connect forums.
    QuickPoll - Digital Accessibility survey

    My very best,


    Trisha Prevett Whiteman
    Digital Information Accessibility Coordinator
    Rice University