Hello, I suggest reaching out to
The Central Library for Blind and Reading Impaired People for expert advice.
Address: 76, Yigal Alon Street, Tel Aviv, 6706701, Israel
Online contact form:
https://www.clfb.org.il/eng/contact-clfb/#h1WhatsApp 054-8663452
info@clfb.org.ilFax: 053-7975622
Ayana (eye-on-ah) Looney, MLIS
Technical Services Library Assistant, California State Library
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 603-7136
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 01, 2022 01:20 PM
From: Jennifer Ulrich
Subject: Help for Blind student using JAWS with Hebrew text
Hi all
I have a colleague who is trying to help a blind student with Hebrew vocabulary. They have PDFs of needed text to use in JAWS but it seems like JAWS has trouble dealing with Hebrew.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Jennifer Ulrich
Eastern Mennonite University
Jennifer Ulrich
Technical Services Librarian