Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group

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Charge: To provide a forum for discussion of trends and developments in the field of research metrics and scholarly impact, and the many ways academic librarians can support their faculty, administrators and students to understand, measure and extend the contributions of their research to their fields and the world beyond academia.

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Grant-funded research assessment conferences on the horizon

  • 1.  Grant-funded research assessment conferences on the horizon

    Posted Sep 26, 2023 12:25 PM
    Dear colleagues of the ACRL Research Assessment & Metrics Discussion Group,
    Please see below for some exciting conference opportunities (dates and locations TBD) that have recently been funded by US grant agencies (IMLS and NSF). I am the Co-PI on the SCOPE forum grant, so I can answer questions about that one, and I can direct questions about the other one to the other PI, Baron Wolf, who is PI on both grants. These conferences will likely be held next spring or summer, depending on how the planning goes, but I will post more updates as they become available. Just wanted to get it on everyone's radar for those who might be interested in attending one (or both) conferences. 
    In addition, we can allow a limited number of non-US participants, so for those of you outside the US, please keep this on your radar as well if it is of interest to you! 

    Read more details below. If you're interested in receiving updates about these efforts, please complete this form to receive email updates: Click to follow link." target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="" rel="noopener">

    Responsible Research Evaluation Forum: Implementation of the SCOPE Framework

    (Funded by the US Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Program) Click to follow link." target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="" rel="noopener">

    The University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech University, and The International Network of Research Management Societies' Research Evaluation Group will plan and deliver a two-day, in-person forum that brings together a broad range of representatives to work toward better, fairer, and more meaningful research evaluation. In particular, it will convene librarians, researchers, bibliometricians, and research managers to provide formal training in making strategic research management decisions using responsible evaluation methods. The forum will be followed by four virtual sessions throughout the year for participants to share how they are piloting the responsible evaluation methods framework at their institutions and to ensure sustainability and a community of practice beyond the project period.


    Research Analytics Summit: Building Capacity, Empowering Skill Transfer, and Energizing a Growing Community

    (Funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) GRANTED Program)

    The goal of this project is to host a national summit that focuses on key areas related to the use of data-informed decision-making within research administration, called Research Analytics. This will be the first of its kind conference dedicated to the field of research analytics and data-practitioners. Research Analytics is in its infancy at major research administration conferences. Many professionals working in this space have taken it on as only a small part of their position duties, and they are often not trained in data analysis or business intelligence systems. Outcomes of the meeting include a professional mentoring framework, professional collaboration, professional development, conference proceeding materials, and possibly identify future funding opportunities focused on research analytics. The summit will include participants from a variety of research-intensive institutions including a focus on emerging research institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other minority-serving institutions. The summit will help build capacity through sharing of best practices, skill development, and building of networks. The meeting will focus on areas related to human capital and technology and skills. These themes will allow for interconnectivity of leadership, culture, governance, and technology to provide informed and strategic decision-making within the research enterprise. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

    The GRANTED initiative highlights the need to encourage academic inquiry and knowledge creation from a wide variety of higher education institutions, especially emerging research institutions and minority-serving institutions (MSIs). At Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in particular, there is a unique opportunity to support innovative epistemological and ontological frameworks that may offer important insights for dealing with issues like climate change, food security, and environmental change. With opportunities for different kinds of knowledge creation and problem-solving, it is critical to effectively support new models for what counts as basic and applied research. Using data to better understand, support, and identify unique characteristics of academic inquiry would be a unique and valuable outcome of the summit, which would be intentionally inclusive in welcoming diverse institutions into the research administration community. The potentially new ways of creating and apprehending knowledge through research at TCUs should not be seen as competing with traditional modes of academic inquiry. Rather, these frameworks can complement mainstream western science, offering a new lens for inquiry, discovery, and understanding.



    Rachel Miles
    Research Impact Coordinator
    Virginia Tech University Libraries