Residency Interest Group

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last person joined: one month ago 

Charge: To support current and former residents to network, share their expertise, gain national leadership and service experience, and prepare for transitioning to post-residency positions through: a) advancing resident education and residents’ professional success through inter-collegiate collaboration; b) creating programming and resources that center residents; c) advocating for current residents through a liaison relationship with the ACRL Diversity Alliance; d) providing opportunities to engage in research on residencies; and e) centralizing information regarding program availability.
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Fwd: ACRL RIG ALA Connect Posting

  • 1.  Fwd: ACRL RIG ALA Connect Posting

    Posted Jan 09, 2023 08:11 AM
    Please post message below on behalf of ACRL RIG. 

    Mallary Rawls 

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Mallary Rawls <>
    Subject: FW: ACRL RIG ALA Connect Posting
    Date: January 9, 2023 at 9:09:06 AM EST
    To: "" <>


    From: Mallary Rawls <>
    Date: Monday, January 9, 2023 at 9:07 AM
    To: <>
    Subject: ACRL RIG ALA Connect Posting 

    The People of Color in Library & Information Science (POCinLIS) Summit will take place on Friday, July 21, 2023 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm PST at Loyola Marymount University. Registration is free.
    The mission of POCinLIS Summit is to create a productive and brave space for people of color, especially women and marginalized identities, working in the information sector. Information workers will have the opportunity to explore their work in LIS as POC and their intersecting identities as POC+ and information workers. This summit invites participants to challenge and interrogate their roles and actions as information workers. This summit aims to collectively establish rules of engagement and discourse, acknowledging that dominant narratives may be disrupted. This space is created to support the research of POC librarians and create a network of POC information workers for future collaboration and self-care. 
    Thank You For Being A Friend
    The theme Thank You For Being A Friend invites submissions that challenge what is acceptable to present upon in LIS. As POC moving through the pandemic and returning to work, we are being called upon to accomplish a lot, often with very little time to reflect and develop our practice. This year, think of the summit as a supportive counterspace for reflection, exploration, commiseration, and experimentation among trusted colleagues. We ask you to share what you are doing, what you are thinking about, and what you need support for in this moment as a summit submission.
    The POCinLIS Summit is a space for collaborative conversations that explore our passions and interests. We welcome submissions that are unique, challenging, and unorthodox in other LIS spaces. Library students and library employees of all kinds are invited to submit proposals. 
    The Call for Proposals & Registration are forthcoming. 
    This conference is funded by the William H. Hannon Library at Loyola Marymount University and Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) DEI Fund. 
    Need Help? Have Questions? Email 
    Please post the above event for ACRL RIG. If there any questions, please reach out to me at 
    Thank you & best,
    Mallary Rawls, ACRL RIG Incoming Convenor
    Humanities Librarian
    Florida State University