History Librarians Interest Group

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Charge: A forum to discuss issues common to subject librarians in academic or research libraries, who are working with collections and researchers in the discipline of history.
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free online Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium (University of Arizona Libraries)

  • 1.  free online Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium (University of Arizona Libraries)

    Posted Apr 07, 2023 12:24 PM

    Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium
    The University of Arizona (UA) Libraries is a recipient of a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program grant. Through this grant, librarians and archivists have been collaborating with disciplinary faculty to create teaching materials using Library of Congress digitized primary sources – the "raw materials of history." Learn more about the project at our Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium:

    TPS Symposium, Friday, April 28, 10am-12pm MST (Arizona)

    In this free virtual event (on Zoom), you'll learn more about the UA Libraries' TPS project and hear from a panel of faculty partners as we discuss the benefits and challenges of teaching with primary sources, how we approached our collaborations, and the impact on student learning. Students will share their experiences in lightning talks. You will also get a preview of the UA Libraries' Teaching with Primary Sources Portal where the co-created teaching materials and primary source sets will be publicly available and can be reused and repurposed for your own classes. Register for the symposium at https://libcal.library.arizona.edu/event/10498674.

    Mary Feeney
    University of Arizona Libraries