Access Services Interest Group

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Final call for participation: Examining public service policies in academic libraries

  • 1.  Final call for participation: Examining public service policies in academic libraries

    Posted Oct 17, 2023 10:40 AM

    We invite you to participate in a survey examining how libraries create policies and train employees to implement these policies.

    To participate, you must be currently employed by an academic library and 18 years of age or older. The survey is voluntary and there are no foreseeable risks to participating. The records of this study will be kept strictly confidential and the survey will not be collecting any identifying information. You may choose not to take part in the study and may stop participating at any time.

    The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes. All questions are multiple choice with one optional open-ended question. Please answer the questions to your comfort and knowledge level. The results will be reported for the group of respondents as a whole.

    Access the survey online:
    We will be accepting responses through October 27, 2023.

    There is no direct benefit to participation.  By giving us permission to analyze your survey responses, however, you will help us understand how academic libraries are creating and implementing service policies.

    Any questions or concerns can be directed to Meredith Knoff ( or Meggan Press (

    Meredith Knoff
    Co-curricular Research and Engagement Librarian
    Indiana University Bloomington