ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section

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Charge: Supports the study of those aspects of library service that require knowledge in the areas of human and societal studies such as anthropology, sociology, criminal justice or criminology and other related fields.
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  • 1.  Do Not Miss This Wonderful ANSS Publishing Opportunity - We Are Looking for Authors

    Posted Feb 23, 2023 02:23 PM

    Greetings ANSS Colleagues,

    Have you come across a great resource you want to share with the ANSS community? The ANSS Resource Review and Bibliography Committee (RRBC) invites you to submit a review that could be included in the next publication of ANSS Currents. Articles can be written covering any resource in anthropology, sociology, criminal justice, and related fields. Reviews can be short or long, depending on whether you want to do an overview or a deep-dive into a topic. Reviews of resources related to equity, diversity and inclusion issues are very appropriate and encouraged. We welcome reviews on a variety of resources, such as:

    • databases
    • research tools
    • free online resources
    • books
    • collection development tools
    • instruction resources

    If you have an idea for a review, please contact ANSS RRBC co-chairs Tom Durkin at  and Virginia Pierce at  

    Your review will be published in ANSS Currents, the newsletter of the ACRL Anthropology & Sociology Section, in the "Resource Review" section. You can see past reviews here: ANSS Currents is a great way to share with your colleagues and add a publication to your resume! The spring deadline for submitting a review will be March 20, 2023.

    Reviews submitted to the Resource Review and Bibliography Committee will go through an open and collaborative peer review process. You can see additional information about that process here: The ANSS Currents Guide for Authors also provides helpful guidelines:

    If you have questions, please contact the ANSS RRBC co-chairs. We are happy to provide more information.

    Thank you!

    Virginia Pierce and Tom Durkin co-chairs

    ANSS Resource Review and Bibliography Committee (RRBC)

    Virginia Pierce
    Library Collections and Services Director
    South Carolina State Library

  • 2.  RE: Do Not Miss This Wonderful ANSS Publishing Opportunity - We Are Looking for Authors

    Posted Feb 24, 2023 11:41 AM

    If anyone is interested in writing a review article but can't think of a topic, I'd like to suggest considering a review of and how well it works (or doesn't work) for finding sources in the social sciences. Elicit is an interesting new AI tool that students are sure to hear about, and I think it would be worthwhile to evaluate it from a librarian's perspective. 

    I hope someone will consider this suggestion---I'd love to look into it myself but can't quite fit it into my schedule. 

    Thanks to Virginia and Tom for coordinating the resource reviews---they are such a valuable contribution to our profession! 

    Sarah Dahlen
    Reference and Instruction Librarian
    California State University, Monterey Bay

  • 3.  RE: Do Not Miss This Wonderful ANSS Publishing Opportunity - We Are Looking for Authors

    Posted Mar 02, 2023 02:23 PM

    Thanks, Sarah; that's a great idea!



    Nancy Gibson
    Professor & Social Sciences Librarian

    Austin Peay State University
    Felix G. Woodward Library
    Box 4595
    Clarksville, TN 37044
    Office: 931-221-6166

    Pronouns: she, her, hers


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