Deadline extension & event Zoom link: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions: A Database Tips Lightning Round!
Event date: October 3, 2024, 2pm EDT on Zoom (see link below)
Thanks to those who've already submitted some excellent proposals for the UX Caucus's upcoming lightning round! Given how busy things are this time of year, we've decided to extend the deadline by one week to give folks a little more time to submit their ideas.
Learn more and submit your lightning round proposal. The proposal deadline has been extended to Friday, September 6; presenters will be notified no later than September 13. You can submit more than one proposal.
Unable to access Google Docs and Forms? Email Hilary Kraus ( or Sheryl Ramer ( with your proposal! You can also email us with any questions about the event.
Join us at the Lightning Round event on Zoom!
UX Caucus meeting link:
Meeting ID: 895 6785 0646
Passcode: UX2224
Hilary Kraus
hilary_kraus@brown.eduHealth Sciences Librarian for Clinical Support
Brown University