Title: Cracking the Case: Unpacking the Draft Information Literacy Framework for Criminal Justice
When: Monday, July 8, 1:00-2:00 pm (Central time)
Where: ACRL Zoom Meeting
Hello! The Instruction and Information Literacy Committee and the Criminal Justice/Criminology Discussion Group of the ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section invite you to contribute to our draft Companion Document to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Criminology and Criminal Justice!
The committee is seeking input from Criminal Justice scholars and educators about how we as librarians and information literacy instructors can best develop your students into competent and confident researchers in your field. Join us for a lively conversation about the research, evaluation, and critical thinking skills essential for researchers and students in the field of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and to gain an understanding of the draft criminal justice Framework companion document.
Learn and share about how academic librarians approach criminal justice information literacy workshops, and exchange ideas about integrating the Framework into your own instruction practices.
We want to hear from you and other scholars in your field about the research skills, strategies, and critical thinking you ask students to bring to their work.
You are also invited to view the draft companion document and leave comments.
Please register for the event.
The event will be recorded and sent to participants later.
For questions about the event, please email Margie Ruppel, margie.ruppel@uky.edu
ANSS Criminal Justice/Criminology Discussion Group Co-conveners:
Nancy Gibson
Scott Hertzberg
ANSS Instruction and Information Literacy Committee members:
Margie Ruppel, Co-Chair
Catherine Bowers, Co-Chair
Emera Bridger-Wilson
Jeff Wheeler
Thomas Weeks
Jennifer Bowers
Wayne Bivens-Tatum
Jessica Hagman
Nancy Gibson
Professor & Grants and Special Projects Librarian
Austin Peay State University
Felix G. Woodward Library
Box 4595
Clarksville, TN 37044
Office: 931-221-6166
Pronouns: she, her, hers