Virtual Worlds Interest Group

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last person joined: 8 days ago 

Charge: The Virtual Worlds Interest Group provides an opportunity for academic librarians with virtual environment interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects, promote accessibility and provide programs relevant to academic libraries. The VW Interest Group also works to promote the various uses of virtual reality in all formats (desktop, mobile and headset) to potential and current academic librarians and to improve information literacy (metaliteracy) specifically in virtual spaces. The ACRL VWIG sponsors events, programs and meetings held mainly within the virtual world of Second Life and explores other developing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms in the evolving metaverse.
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Call For Proposals/Abstracts

  • 1.  Call For Proposals/Abstracts

    Posted Apr 15, 2024 12:38 PM

    we are seeking informative and trending proposals & papers for an upcoming book titled Trends and Innovations concerning Library & Information Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach.

    - The book explores current and emerging issues, challenges, opportunities, and best practices in library and information science from various perspectives and disciplines.

    - The book will cover topics such as Library science, Information science, Information Technology, ChatGPT, AI, Intelligent Systems, Open Access, Security, Data management, Health Information Management, VR, Surveys,  Metaverse, and more

    - The book will be published by De Gruyter Publishers, a reputable academic publisher with a global reach and impact located in Germany and the United States.

    - The deadline for submitting chapter proposals is April 30, 2024. Proposals should be 1000 words long stating objectives or purpose

    -Full chapters should be 8-10,000 words in APA format. and due September 18, 2024.

    - Chapters will be peer-reviewed please check your chapters with Grammarly or Wordai etc

    No Fees

    Proposals & Full Chapters are sent to the Editor then to publisher

    Barbara Holland, Editor

    Barbara Holland-
    Sr Librarian /Retired
    Ms/ She/ Her/Hers