Virtual Worlds Interest Group

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last person joined: 12 days ago 

Charge: The Virtual Worlds Interest Group provides an opportunity for academic librarians with virtual environment interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects, promote accessibility and provide programs relevant to academic libraries. The VW Interest Group also works to promote the various uses of virtual reality in all formats (desktop, mobile and headset) to potential and current academic librarians and to improve information literacy (metaliteracy) specifically in virtual spaces. The ACRL VWIG sponsors events, programs and meetings held mainly within the virtual world of Second Life and explores other developing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms in the evolving metaverse.
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Call for Presenters: RUSA ETS Tech Showcase at ALA 2023

  • 1.  Call for Presenters: RUSA ETS Tech Showcase at ALA 2023

    Posted Jan 25, 2023 12:48 PM
    We are seeking presenters for the RUSA ETS Tech Showcase at ALA 2023 in Chicago, IL.  Our planned format will be for all of the presenters to give a short introduction to their topic at the beginning of the session and then have tables where the audience can go to interact with the presenters and get more information about the technologies being showcased that seem of most interest to the attendees.

    Do you want to present a fun new technology that you are using in your library? What are you doing at your library that others in the library community should know about?  Answer these questions by February 28, 2023 to apply to be a presenter at the RUSA ETS 2023 Technology Showcase!

    Joshua Newport
    Math and Science Librarian
    Illinois State University