Call for Papers: Inclusive Pedagogies and Services due December 2
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How do we create cultures of inclusivity in libraries where librarians not only value inclusive principles but enact them in meaningful ways?
Reference Services Review (RSR) seeks abstract proposals for Volume 52, Issue 4 – a special issue on inclusive pedagogies and services that offers examples, models, and theories to more fully realize inclusive academic, special, and/or public libraries.
RSR is interested in a broad range of pedagogical- and service-focused inclusivity initiatives. The guest editors, Dr. Kawanna Bright and Dr. Mónica Colón-Aguirre, aim to spark a new dialogue for scholar-practitioner librarians, curating diverse perspectives while also being realistic about the challenges this topic presents. Important work is being done to improve inclusivity, and this issue will attempt to present these efforts in a single, coherent intellectual space.
The deadline for abstract submissions is December 2, and the full call for papers is available on our website.
Sabine Dantus
Outreach & Reference Librarian
Florida International University