Universal Accessibility Interest Group

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last person joined: 17 days ago 

Charge: Offers librarians, support staff, students, and other advocates networking and collaboration opportunities, information sharing and programming to promote accessibility in academic libraries, including web accessibility, assistive technology, reference and instruction for users with disabilities and captioning processes.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrluaig@ConnectedCommunity.org
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Call for Incoming Convener for 2021-22

  • 1.  Call for Incoming Convener for 2021-22

    Posted Apr 02, 2021 08:58 AM

    Hello, UAIG members.


    We're seeking someone to serve as the incoming convener for the 2021-22 term, convener for the 2022-23 term, and outgoing convener for the 2023-24 term. Interested candidates need to be active members of ACRL. 


    Responsibilities include annual planning, maintenance of the ALA Connect community, and optional business meetings at ALA Annual and Midwinter. Incoming conveners work closely with the current convener their first year.


    If you're interested in serving, please complete the following Google form. We will be accepting responses through 4/21 with a notification date of 4/26.


    (Link to form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxncn1fXQhDjKLhq8QyNsyGwfF88HoJhMEgT5h2FsSqGwX9w/viewform?usp=sf_link)


    If you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out to me (merknoff@iu.edu) or Maya (hobschem@gvsu.edu).


    Thank you and have a great weekend!


    All best,


    Meredith Knoff (She/her)

    Learning Commons Librarian

    Herman B Wells Library W119

    Indiana University Bloomington

    (812) 855-8386 | merknoff@iu.edu