Virtual Worlds Interest Group

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last person joined: 13 days ago 

Charge: The Virtual Worlds Interest Group provides an opportunity for academic librarians with virtual environment interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects, promote accessibility and provide programs relevant to academic libraries. The VW Interest Group also works to promote the various uses of virtual reality in all formats (desktop, mobile and headset) to potential and current academic librarians and to improve information literacy (metaliteracy) specifically in virtual spaces. The ACRL VWIG sponsors events, programs and meetings held mainly within the virtual world of Second Life and explores other developing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms in the evolving metaverse.
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Arabian Nights in the Metaverse: We are "entering" the story!

  • 1.  Arabian Nights in the Metaverse: We are "entering" the story!

    Posted Apr 22, 2023 05:37 PM

    This month the ACRL Virtual Worlds Interest Group held a story read-aloud set in the era of 1001 Arabian Nights.  Rosanna I. Barrios-Llorens , a medical librarian at the University of Puerto Rico, built the simulation in Second Life.  Participants from around the world visited the setting and read several of the stories.

    The Community Virtual Library has hosted monthly events since 2009 on educational topics, information science topics, and all subject areas from math and science to literature and the arts.  Historical eras are brought to life with the option to dress one's avatar in the time period.

    Will librarians utilize virtual environments in the future as a new form of media?  Certainly the librarians at the Community Virtual Library believe immersive experiences are powerful resources!

    Visit CVL to learn more.

    Arabian Nights on display at the Community Virtual Library in Second Life

    Valerie Hill
    Community Virtual Library