ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section

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last person joined: 10 hours ago 

Charge: Supports the study of those aspects of library service that require knowledge in the areas of human and societal studies such as anthropology, sociology, criminal justice or criminology and other related fields.
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ANSS Membership Committee Meeting Minutes

  • 1.  ANSS Membership Committee Meeting Minutes

    Posted 19 days ago
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    Hello ANSS colleagues,

    Please find attached minutes from the last ANSS Membership Committee meeting, which was held on January 9, 2025.

    Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

    Thank you,
    Elizabeth, ANSS Membership Committee Co-Chair

    Elizabeth Young Miller
    Social Sciences Librarian
    Library and Technology Services
    E. W. Fairchild-Martindale Library
    Lehigh University
    8A E. Packer Avenue, Room 612
    Bethlehem, PA 18015-3170
    (610) 758-6233
    Book a research consult:
