Residency Interest Group

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last person joined: 11 days ago 

Charge: To support resident librarians, former resident librarians, and any interested parties to network, share their expertise, and promote resident librarian groups.
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Annual Meeting Minutes - June 27, 2010

  • 1.  Annual Meeting Minutes - June 27, 2010

    Posted Jul 23, 2010 11:37 AM

    ACRL Residency Interest Group (RIG)

    2010 Annual Meeting Minutes

    Sunday, June 27th, 2010

    8:00-10:00 AM

    The Capital Hilton, Room South American A


     Administrative Items

    Welcome and introductions

    • Gerald Holmes, UNC at Greensboro
    • Patricia MacDonald, Towson University
    • Shannon Simpson, Towson University
    • Faith Steele, Marquette University
    • Kiyomi Deards, Web Editor and List Administrator for ACRL RIG
    • Kathel Dunn, National Library of Medicine
    • Melissa Laning, University of Louisville
    • Scott Mandernack, Marquette University
    • Julie Brewer, University of Delaware
    • Nancy Hewison, Purdue University

    Minutes Recorder/Secretary for this Meeting

    • Shannon Simpson, much to her chagrin, was nominated to record minutes for the meeting.

    Listserv and blog update

    • Blog

    Much praise was given to Kiyomi and Megan for their hard work on the site’s new Podcasts, “The Newbie Dispatches.”  There were over 1,000 noted downloads for the first Podcast, alone. Kiyomi indicated that by keeping the blog and Podcasts light and fun that the site has become popular and a great PR vehicle for more than just students, residents and coordinators, but also for those in the library profession. Kiyomi stated that the next goal is to get the Podcasts into the iTunes store as a free download.  There will be another Podcast airing shortly.  She solicited ideas and asked that anyone could do a Podcast. Interviews at NDLC, and Mid-Winter were suggested. Julie Brewer suggested doing 3 interviews: a current resident, someone that has just completed a residency, and someone well into their career.

    • Listserv

                  Kiyomi as Web Editor and List Administrator also maintains the listserv, which requires minimal maintenance.

    Update from the ACRL Communities of Practice Assembly

    Patty discussed her attendance at the ACRL Communities of Practice meeting. As the new convener of RIG she presented on the happenings of the group.  She discussed the blog and successful podcasts with the group.  Patty shared that there was talk that dues would increase which she relayed did not seem to be a popular idea for the near future.  Patty shared with RIG that the emphasis of the Communities of Practice meeting was on planning programs for conferences.  The RIG group discussed options: ALA is out for next year, as the deadline has passed, Gerald suggested a poster for ACRL as that deadline is Nov 1, Patty suggested something at Mid-winter that would be in line with Megan Perez’ book release.

    Nominations and Election of the next Incoming Convener to replace Patricia MacDonald

    • There is someone waiting on grant results in order to determine their eligibility and whether or not they can commit the time to be incoming convener.  The group will determine the incoming convener via listserv and email communication later.
    • Nancy Hewison asked if it would be necessary to be a member of ACRL in order to be a member of RIG. It was determined that membership to ACRL would only be mandatory if the attendee wanted to take a position.

    Discussion of draft of Governing Procedures for the RIG

    • Patty passed out drafts that were based on the Health Sciences Interest Group bylaws and asked if we needed to delete sections or if governing procedures should be based on procedures for ALA sections.  Everyone agreed that the Health Sciences based by-laws were fine and we should leave in all sections, including the working group section despite not having one at the moment.  There is some question regarding where to post the by-laws and/or the strategic plan review.  It was suggested that the by-laws be posted on ALA connect and the review on RIG’s site.  Mary Jane Petrowski will be consulted regarding this question.
    • The group decided on adding a Website Work Group with the Web Editor as chair. The web editor, currently Kiyomi, will continue as mandated by ACRL rules, in a 2-year commitment. The Work Group will be responsible for the website, listserv and posting of podcasts. Although anyone in RIG can create a Podcast, they will be posted by the Work Group. Since not everyone in the group is apprised of how to publish a podcast it was suggested that Kiyomi and Megan produce a procedural document along with the UNCG students, (that Gerald volunteered), on best practices.  While volunteers to join the Working Group will be solicited from the Listserv, Faith Steele volunteered and was accepted for the group.

    Discussion of the draft of the RIG activities and programs that were carried out from June 2009 – May 2010 in support of the ACRL Strategic Plan 2020

    • Review document for ACRL needs to be composed. Gerald volunteered to compose document and present for review at Mid-Winter. Gerald is also working on a draft for RIG’s review on the Goal areas of ACRL’s 2010 (or 2020?) plan and how RIG supports their plan.  According to ACRL, the group will have to review accordingly every 3 years.  It is unclear when exactly we need to submit the next review (this year or next). Gerald volunteered (?) to check into this.

    Patricia MacDonald, Incoming Convener discussion for the coming year

    • Patty dispensed a questionnaire and asked that everyone send their feedback via email.
    • Faith brought up the need for social events, both for residents only, as well as informational sessions for those interested in learning more and suggested this be done at every conference in which the group is in attendance.  Gerald and Kiyomi suggested that for ACRL 2011 the group have a closed dinner with just residents, followed by an open event on the Friday night of the conference.  Something for Mid-winter was also suggested.

    Announcements from the Group

    • The group went around and announced events at ALA (UD’s Pauline A. Young residency celebrated its 40th anniversary!), publications and posters and open positions at their respective universities.


    Closing and Wrap-Up

                Gerald closed the meeting to applause as he moves to the outgoing convener position.