Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group

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last person joined: 6 days ago 

Charge: To provide academic librarians with a forum to discuss issues related to library service for graduate students, including instruction, outreach, reference, collections, and programming; develop guidelines and resources that will assist academic librarians with providing quality services for their graduate students.
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ALSIS Breakout Room Discussion: Bring Your Own Article on International Students & Academic Libraries- November 8, 2023; 12pm (CDT)

  • 1.  ALSIS Breakout Room Discussion: Bring Your Own Article on International Students & Academic Libraries- November 8, 2023; 12pm (CDT)

    Posted Nov 03, 2023 12:59 PM



    ***Apologies for Cross-Posting***


    The ACRL's Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group (ALSIS) is inviting you to join in for a Breakout Room Discussion Session:


    When: Wednesday, November 8, 2023

    Time: 12:00PM (CDT- US & Canada)


    Topic: Bring Your Own Article: Sharing research/ articles on International Students and Academic Libraries

    Bring ANY article on international students and academic libraries ( it could be opinion based or research based) and be prepared to:

    - Summarize the article for the rest of the group members in your room

    - Share why you chose the article and/ or how the article has informed your practice or could inform academic librarians' practice.


    Register at:



    Peggy Nzomo-University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign- Convener- 2023-2024

    Paula Johnson- University of Arizona- Incoming Convener-2023-2024

    Katie Odhner- Penn State University- Past Convener-2023-2024


    Peggy Nzomo, PhD
    Specialist for International Library Initiatives- Senior Associate

    Mortenson Center for International Library Programs,

    University of Illinois Library

    329 Main Library; 1408 W. Gregory Dr.; Urbana, IL 61801 USA

    Phone:217-333-3085 (Center); 217-333-9628 (Office)
