ACRL Image Resources Discussion Group

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Charge: A forum for ongoing discussion of the unique issues presented by the development and support of interdisciplinary image resources in academic libraries.
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ACRL/IRIG VLTF visual literacy standards 2/16 open meeting - minutes and powerpoint

  • 1.  ACRL/IRIG VLTF visual literacy standards 2/16 open meeting - minutes and powerpoint

    Posted Mar 01, 2011 07:53 PM

    Thank you very much to everyone who attended and participated in the VLTF virtual open meeting February 16!

    If you weren't able to join us, the meeting minutes and powerpoint are attached.

    We're seeking feedback on the draft ACRL/IRIG Visual LIteracy Competency Standards for Higher Education through March 31. Please visit the project blog to comment, or send feedback to

    Thank you for your interest and participation!
