African-American Studies Librarians Interest Group

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Charge: Provides the resources—ideas, programs, discussion forums and networking opportunities—to support the development of African American Studies librarianship and resources in academic and research libraries.
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ACRL ULS Prof Development Committee: Call for Proposals for Online Professional Development Presentations

  • 1.  ACRL ULS Prof Development Committee: Call for Proposals for Online Professional Development Presentations

    Posted Sep 18, 2023 07:44 AM

    The ACRL ULS Professional Development Committee (PDC) welcomes proposals for online programs that further ACRL members' professional development, knowledge, and practice. Proposals should be grounded in theory and/or practice. We encourage the use of panels and multiple presenter models to convey a variety of viewpoints. Presenters are responsible for recruiting their own co-presenters and panelists. Proposals for programs led by an individual presenter are also welcomed. Programs usually run one hour, including time for questions, and are offered via Zoom Webinar. You do not need to be a member of ACRL or ALA to submit a proposal or attend presentations. 

    We are particularly interested in programs addressing the following topics in 2023-2024; however, all proposals will be considered.

    • Evolving Models for Public Services and Learning Spaces

    • Critical Librarianship, Diversity and Inclusion, and Social Justice in Academic Libraries

    • Changing/Expanding Roles of Academic Librarians

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    • Reference Services

    • Inclusive Design Principles

    • Digital Humanities

    • Data Management and Visualization

    • Scholarly Communications

    • Digital Scholarship

    • Assessment and Learning Analytics

    • Identifying and Developing Future Leaders

    • Mindfulness and Work-Life Balance

    Complete the following form to submit an online program proposal. To receive full consideration for the 2023-2024 programming year, submissions should be received by Friday, September 29, 2023. Please submit proposals here. The committee will let you know if your proposal is accepted and provide next steps by late October.

    Please direct questions to Colleen Quinn and Anna Sandelli, Co-Chairs of the ACRL ULS Professional Development Committee, at and The Committee's prior programs can be found here.

    Alicia Vaandering (pronouns: she/her)
    Assistant Professor, Student Success Librarian
    University of Rhode Island
    Carothers Library, Office #125

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