ACRL Public Community Board of Directors

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All members are welcome to join this public community to stay apprised of ACRL Board activities. Please click the "JOIN COMMUNITY" button to ensure access to discussions, documents and events. To post a discussion, group members can add a new discussion to this community or can email

Charge: The composition and the duties of the Board of Directors are defined in Article IX of the ACRL Bylaws: Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have general oversight and direction of the affairs of the Association. It shall conduct all business pertaining to the Association, and shall have authority to make decisions for the Association during the periods between meetings.

ACRL LLX23 Board II Agenda and Documents

  • 1.  ACRL LLX23 Board II Agenda and Documents

    Posted Feb 14, 2023 05:00 PM
      |   view attached

    Dear ACRL Board of Directors,

    Thank you for your patience. Please see the attached packet to help you prepare for the ACRL Board II  meeting on Friday, February 17, from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Central Time.  Please refer to the private Board ALA Connect for the confidential packet related to this session. Each document is bookmarked within the PDF for easier browsing.



    Elois Sharpe
    Program Officer
    American Library Association
