ACRL Leadership Discussion Group1

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Charge: Provides a forum for conversation, communication and collaboration about leadership and management issues important to academic librarians.
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#Academic Libraries
#Administration and Management

📢 ACRL LDG Webinar: Maintenance as a Core Value: Recommendations for Increasing Gender Equity on Digital Scholarship Teams

  • 1.  📢 ACRL LDG Webinar: Maintenance as a Core Value: Recommendations for Increasing Gender Equity on Digital Scholarship Teams

    Posted Sep 19, 2023 08:57 AM

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce Amanda Koziura and Stephanie Becker's presentation "Maintenance as a Core Value: Recommendations for Increasing Gender Equity on Digital Scholarship Teams," who draw from literature and their own experiences by examining the intersection of gender and workplace roles in digital scholarship work at academic libraries. By examining digital scholarship work through the lens of innovation and maintenance, it becomes clear how gender can exacerbate issues related to support, pay, and appreciation for the different types of labor involved. Drawing inspiration from care ethics, suggestions for mitigating harm and laying the groundwork for better equity in digital scholarship work will be discussed.

    Date: Tuesday, October 5th, at 2 pm EST

    Registration link: 



    Russell Michalak
    Director of Library, Learning Center & Archives
    Goldey-Beacom College