ACRL Image Resources Discussion Group

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Charge: A forum for ongoing discussion of the unique issues presented by the development and support of interdisciplinary image resources in academic libraries.
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ACRL IRIG task force on Visual Literacy Standards

  • 1.  ACRL IRIG task force on Visual Literacy Standards

    Posted Mar 09, 2010 10:56 AM

    The ACRL Image Resources Interest Group is forming a task force to develop Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education based on ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards ( We are looking for one more member to join the task force, and additional members to participate in a larger advisory group.

    The task force will be consulting broadly with visual literacy experts and practitioners, and will collaborate across sections and organizations to develop a useful and community-supported standard for visual literacy competency in higher education. We are looking for collaborative and committed individuals to help carry out this work.

    The Visual Literacy Competency Standards will be developed according to the process established by the ACRL Information Literacy Standards Committee, outlined here:

    Tip Sheet 4:  Developing subject specific information literacy standards

    Checklist for developing subject-specific information literacy standards

    When the task force has been assigned, next steps will include research and outreach. The task force will conduct most of its work online, and will sponsor an open visual literacy meeting at ALA Annual 2010 in Washington, D.C.

    If you are interested in participating in the Visual Literacy Competency Standards Task Force or Advisory Group, please contact Denise Hattwig, Task Force Chair.  Please include some information about your interest in visual literacy and your approach to collaborative projects. Attendance at ALA Annual preferred for Task Force members. Thank you very much, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you!

    Denise Hattwig
    Chair, ACRL Visual Literacy Standards Task Force
    Convener, ACRL Image Resources Interest Group
    University of Washington Libraries

    Joanna Burgess
    Incoming Convener, 2010-2011, ACRL Image Resources Interest Group
    Reed College