Universal Accessibility Interest Group

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last person joined: 17 days ago 

Charge: Offers librarians, support staff, students, and other advocates networking and collaboration opportunities, information sharing and programming to promote accessibility in academic libraries, including web accessibility, assistive technology, reference and instruction for users with disabilities and captioning processes.
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Accessibility Workshop 2-8 & 2-22

  • 1.  Accessibility Workshop 2-8 & 2-22

    Posted Feb 02, 2022 10:13 AM
    Consider joining my colleague and I as we present an accessibility workshop through Educause's group NERCOMP. 

    Moving the Needle: Advancing Digital Accessibility for All Users - Online Workshop

    Where: Online/Virtual

    When: Tuesday, February 8, and Tuesday, February 22, 2022
    10:30am - 12:00pm
    Note: This registration will cover both sessions

    Workshop Organizer:  Anaya Jones and Trisha Prevett of Southern New Hamshire University

    Registration Fee:
    NERCOMP Member: FREE
    Non Member:  $100

    Event Overview
    In a world where accessibility is so important to all in our community, why do we often miss the opportunities to build relationships and have the necessary conversations to move things forward? Join us for this two-part workshop (February 8 and 22) and explore a relationship-based and human-centered approach to improving accessibility and library experiences for our users. 

    The following data support the need for focus on this area:

    Providing equal access to all learners is nothing new for the library. Access and helping our patrons is ingrained in every service we offer and our professional code of ethics. 
    Digital content has increased access to available resources for many users, but not all. 
    According to the 2018 American Community Survey, over 12% of Americans are estimated to have a disability. Barriers to access for these users exist in many digital resources that libraries provide including systems, programs, interfaces, and file types. 

    We hold the responsibility for equitable access for our users, but true accessibility can only be achieved in collaboration with the third-party vendors libraries rely on to supply information resources and our internal stakeholders.  Planning for and checking the accessibility and usability of platforms and resources needs to become routine. Building relationships across your organization, with vendors, publishing, and learning communities help move these conversations and issues forward. While always important, accessibility should be at the forefront of planning as our scholarship and work are increasingly online.

    Trisha and Anaya invite professionals with all levels of accessibility knowledge to join them in this interactive workshop. This workshop will include a contextual overview, an exploration of contemporary accessibility procedure models, and an interactive space to build your own plan to increase accessibility in your library. 

    Session Outcomes:
    Attendees will:
     - Recognize the basic proponents of cultural, ethical, and technical reasons for pursuing accessibility best practices in libraries
     - Identify areas and begin to plan for conversation and action when working with contracted vendors and internal/external stakeholders

    For more information and to sign up: Event | NERCOMP
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    Trisha Prevett
    ELearning Librarian
    Southern New Hampshire University, Shapiro Library