Residency Interest Group

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last person joined: 9 days ago 

Charge: To support current and former residents to network, share their expertise, gain national leadership and service experience, and prepare for transitioning to post-residency positions through: a) advancing resident education and residents’ professional success through inter-collegiate collaboration; b) creating programming and resources that center residents; c) advocating for current residents through a liaison relationship with the ACRL Diversity Alliance; d) providing opportunities to engage in research on residencies; and e) centralizing information regarding program availability.
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Academic Libraries Panel Series Collaborators

  • 1.  Academic Libraries Panel Series Collaborators

    Posted Jun 07, 2022 11:09 AM


    I hope this message finds you doing well!

    I'm working with a group of early-career academic librarians and library residents on a panel series for MLIS students interested in academic librarianship. Use the following link to check out some of our previous panels:

    If you are an early-career librarian or library resident interested in joining our efforts, reach out at Feel free to share this announcement with potential collaborators.

    We look forward to hearing from those interested!


    Kay P Maye
    Scholarly Engagement Librarian for Social Sciences and Data 
    Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

    Kaypounyers Maye
    Scholarly Engagement Librarian for Social Sciences and Data
    Tulane University