ALA/ACRL/AAMESIG is organizing a virtual research forum titled Digital Humanities: South Asia and Beyond on April 25th, 11:00 am-12:30 pm EST. This research forum will feature three prominent speakers, Dibyadyuti Roy, Deepthi Murli and Elizabeth Lhost who have worked on a variety of digital humanities projects. They will discuss their process of engaging with community, digital tools and methods to facilitate interdisciplinary scholarship across or within a broad range of concepts and the challenges of conducting a Global South focused DH project. We will hear about India's first Digital Humanities collective (DHARTI), transcultural consumption of Indian and Indian-imitation textiles in the 18th and 19th century, and Indian Princely States Online Legal History Archive (IPSOLHA). .
Resistive Ontologies of DH in/from Majority Worlds
Dibyadyuti Roy - Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, Media Studies, and Digital Humanities at the University of Leeds.
Connecting Threads: What We Learned from the Pilot for a Global South-to-South Connections Digital Humanities Project
Dr. Deepthi Murali Research Assistant Professor, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University .
The Indian Princely States Online Legal History Archive (IPSOLHA): Aims, Objectives, Challenges
Dr. Elizabeth Lhost South Asia Digital Librarian, Center for Research Libraries
Please check the flyer for registration and other details.
Hope you will be able to join us.
Deepa & Triveni
Triveni Kuchi
Social Sciences/Instructional Services Librarian
Rutgers University