Dance Librarians Discussion Group (ACRL Arts)

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last person joined: 21 days ago 

Provides a forum for dance librarians and others working in or interested in dance to discuss issues and exchange ideas; encourages, develops and supports projects which will improve access to and the organization of dance materials in libraries and archives; informs, educates and encourages cooperation through activities and programs on dance.

#Academic Libraries #ACRL Discussion and Interest Groups (Association of College and Research Libraries) #Collection Development
  • 1.  ACRL Meetup?

    Posted Jan 29, 2015 02:07 PM


    I'm fairly new to this group, and it looks like it's been quiet for a while.  I was just wondering if there were any plans for this group to meet up at ACRL in Portland this year? 



    Ann Shaffer

    Music & Dance Librarian, University of Oregon

  • 2.  RE: ACRL Meetup?

    Posted Mar 03, 2015 04:34 PM

    Or, if there are no formal plans for the group to meet up at ACRL, is anyone else planning to attend?  Would there be interest in an informal meetup/discussion?