ACRL Assessment Discussion Group

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Charge: To provide a forum for assessment librarians – and those with responsibility for, and interest in, library assessment – to discuss methods, training, results, impact, institutional needs and challenges, and seek solutions to common problems faced by the library assessment community.
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Call for Chapter Proposals

  • 1.  Call for Chapter Proposals

    Posted Oct 19, 2021 08:54 AM

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am seeking proposals for a forthcoming edited ALA publication with the working title Leading Libraries through Uncertain Times, expected to be published in mid-2023.

    The Covid-19 pandemic illuminated and amplified challenges that have been facing library leaders for decades.  Along with other institutional leaders, librarians have had to contend with disruptions to operations that have included economic downturns, social and economic inequality, climate change, political extremism, and threats of violence, to name a few.  When disruption is combined with rapidly changing institutional expectations, library leaders must react quickly to situations for which they may lack preparation due to limited formal managerial or crisis mitigation training.  This book seeks to provide guidance that may help fill that void in library education.

    Leading Libraries through Uncertain Times will be a collection of studies describing the work of librarians who have mitigated and managed crisis situations within their libraries, implemented initiatives that have helped their institutions to navigate through periods of uncertainty and disruption, and/or have used uncertainty to the library's advantage.  In addition to the library's work with crisis mitigation, chapters should be grounded in managerial theory (VUCA, e.g.) and best practices, and include outcomes and transferable strategies.

    Submissions may address any situation that could significantly affect library operations including but not limited to:

    • changing roles and perceptions of the library
    • economic downturns/inflation
    • health and safety
    • social movements
    • staffing (equity, benefits, status, etc.)
    • student demographics and behavior in libraries
    • resource preservation
    • space use
    • mistrust of information

    Submissions are encouraged from librarians working in all types of libraries.  Authors need not have management in their job descriptions to submit proposals.

    The proposal should be about 1000 words.  Please include:

    • a description of the crisis situation
    • the managerial strategies you and your colleagues used to address it
    • the outcome of your efforts
    • how your strategies are transferable
    • why you think this study would be a good fit for a wide audience of librarians

    A submission form can be found at:

    Submissions must be received by Friday, January 14, 2022 for full consideration.

    For questions, contact Christine Bombaro at Dickinson College:



    Christine Bombaro has written and edited numerous peer-reviewed articles and three books, most recently Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Action: Planning, Leadership, and Programming (ALA 2020).  She manages the information literacy program and research services for the Waidner-Spahr Library of Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA.

    Chris Bombaro
    Associate Director for Research & Instructional Services