ACRL Government Relations Committee

2011_2012_GRC_Annual_Workplan_Final_Draft - Approval and Submission

  • 1.  2011_2012_GRC_Annual_Workplan_Final_Draft - Approval and Submission

    Posted Jul 25, 2011 08:30 AM

    This was first added as a comment to the June 13, 2010 posting by Marilyn Ochoa - then I realized that it was less visible and obvious because of that so I've started an entirely new post.  Jeff Bullington

    Attached here is the proposed FINAL draft of the 2010-2011 Report and 2011-2012 Work Plan for review.

    We need to have this finalized by the end of this week.  On July 15, Linda Kopecky (Board Liaison), Rachel Bridgwater (GRC Vice-Chair), and Jeff Bullington (GRC Chair) made an initial review and revision of the document.  We need to finalize and get to Linda so she has by Aug. 01.  Follow-up details such as securing assignments from committee members for specific tasks will be completed in August.

    Also attached are the draft minutes from the Annual Conference Committee meeting as these will help provide context for points in the Work Plan.  Thanks to Nicole Slump-Crethar for drafting the minutes and Marilyn Ochoa for additional revisions.

    Summer is moving way to fast here...  apologies for the short turn-around on this!

    Jeff Bullington