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Hilda Weisburg

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Posted By Hilda Weisburg Nov 22, 2023 08:15 AM
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I know and love Dennis. I signed. Hilda
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Apr 24, 2023 09:03 AM
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Recently Susan Yutzey asked if other state chapters had Lobby Days. Sorry this took so long, but NJASL has had virtual lobbying days during the summer for the past few years to engage with legislators. We've found this to be successful / a useful and easy way to engage with legislators. More information ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Mar 01, 2023 08:21 AM
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That took a lot of courage. It shows the theme of the current issue of EL (Educational Leadership) -- Leading Through Change -- in action. I love the journal and that issue is one every school librarian should read. Hilda
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 21, 2023 08:13 AM
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Is there a meeting at LibLearnX? ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 06, 2023 08:30 AM
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Wrong link. Here's the correct one.
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 05, 2023 08:04 AM
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NJ Governor signed the Information Literacy Bill into law on Wednesday, January 4. Gmail Google remove preview Gmail Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. View this on Google > ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Dec 16, 2022 11:00 AM
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Here is an artcile on the newly passed NJ Infirmation Literacy Bill. New Jersey School Librarians Celebrate Passage of Information Literacy Bill - NJ Education Report NJ Education Report remove preview New Jersey School Librarians Celebrate Passage of Information Literacy ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Nov 25, 2022 08:21 AM
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New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy will be receiving a #medialiteracy bill from the New Jersey Senate to sign, a bill that would make New Jersey the first state to mandate information literacy education for all K-12 students. @EwaDElliott ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Oct 20, 2022 01:24 PM
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NJASL has this: We provide official certification mentorship (Michelle McGreivey), we also partner up with Library Link NJ and we offer regular meetups. Anyone who contacts us with requests for mentorship is being taken care of, mostly by Michelle. We didn't think there was a need for more. With Chapter ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg May 09, 2022 12:18 PM
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What benefits does your school library association offer members. NJASL is looking to see what more we can do. ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Hilda Weisburg May 03, 2022 07:48 AM
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NjASL is reviewing out member benefits. We would love to know what other chapters offer their members. ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 23, 2022 04:01 PM
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NJASL had no problems with recording sessions.One or two folks asked for copies of their videos for their own sites, which we were able to send. Hilda
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 09, 2022 08:58 AM
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Here is the link to the January issue of NJEA Review. The article is on p. 58. file:///C:/Users/Owner/Favorites/Downloads/January_REVIEW_2022_SINGLE_web-1.pdf ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 07, 2022 08:32 PM
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Forgot to add that it's I the January issue. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 07, 2022 04:15 PM
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I have attached the editiorial that appeared in the NJEA Review. It is the product of NJASL's work with NJEA ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 22, 2021 08:42 AM
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The new issue of Knowledge Quest shows how several states, Pennsylvania, Alaska, as well as Oklahoma, have gotten the National School Library Standards adopted as state standards. Great issue.
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jan 14, 2021 11:05 AM
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NJASL's information has been updated. ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Oct 12, 2020 10:13 AM
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NJASL's Bookmark is a member privilege. The Board is delighted to share our current issue (see attached) but wonders about sharing all issues> How do the rest of you feel? ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers --- ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jun 18, 2020 01:37 PM
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This is a summary of what NJASL gained in the new NJ Student Learning Standards; The New Jersey Student Learning Standards were approved in June by the NJ State Board of Education. The good news for NJ school library media specialists is that they are named specifically in the mention of selection and ...
Posted By Hilda Weisburg Jun 18, 2020 12:45 PM
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Need to add that it was done by Skye Silverstein. And apologize for my typo with the subject line. ------------------------------ Hilda Weisburg School Librarian's Workshop She/Her/Hers ------------------------------