Colleagues,As you may remember, in response to concerns expressed at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, the IFC has split the Labeling and Ratings Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights into three Interpretations, 1) Labeling, 2) Ratings, and 3) User Generated Content (UGC) and revised them in light of subsequent comments.Here is the first draft of the User Generated Content (UGC) Interpretation. Please "reply" or "comment" in ALA Connect with your suggestions and the IFC will do another round of revisions as needed before San Francisco. Your comments on this doc will be especially important as this is the first public draft.Thanks very much,Doug ArcherChair, ALA
I like this one and like that it is being addressed. It could help address some fears of those who don't like the idea of patrons interacting with us in this way.
Seems like a clear and reasonable statement to me.