ALA Council

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Resolutions for Annual Conference 

May 01, 2013 02:54 PM

Dear Colleagues,


If you haven’t begun already, please start preparing your Council resolutions now. As soon as you can, please send your Council resolutions to ALA Connect and to alaresolutions@

When Council resolutions are posted on the Council list before the conference, not every Councilor will read them, but almost always some of the Councilors who read the proposed resolution will have suggestions that improve it and make it more likely to pass. Most other Councilors will at least be aware of the existence of the issue.

Hardly any Council resolutions are about last-minute issues, so there’s no reason to wait - create your resolutions now. If you’re worried about school library issues, service to immigrants, government agency budgets, censorship, or any issues that may have an impact on libraries, send your resolution to the Resolutions Committee (alaresolutions@ and post it to ALA Connect. Or we can post them to ALA Connect for you. Please be certain to submit an e-form with your resolution. Included for your use are the Guidelines for the Preparation of Resolutions. 

We ask that folks submit their resolutions a month before the Annual Conference or MidWinter Meeting. However, that rarely happens.  However, please try to turn in your resolutions by June 10.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in Chicago, very soon.


Irene BriggsChair, Resolutions Committee

cd6_resolution_guidelines (Alicia).pdf

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