Libraries across the country have been reimagining their community role and leveraging their resources and public trust to strengthen community-based learning and foster critical thinking, problem solving, and engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Just as 21st Century...
The Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys is a collection of books, films, and other resources chosen with a view to familiarizing the American public with Islam and the cultural heritage of Islamic civilizations around the world. It is intended to address both the need and the...
This ALA Connect Space is designed to continue the conversation started on the ALCTS E-forum, Serials, Staffing and Workflow, held in the June 2011. Use this as a place to continue the conversation and share your documentation of workflows related to e-resources and serials.
Libraries Foster Community Engagement provides an ALA organizational home for members interested in the work of library-led community engagement. It is a community of practice where participants share experiences facilitating public forums, fostering community and civic engagement, and leading...