Paul Frank, Library of Congress A national library joins the NACO Program!: LAC and NACO documentation Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) size and its status as a national library are exciting aspects of the library's NACO membership. New NACO documentation was created to address LAC...
ACIG ALA 2019-06-23 Frank.pptx
Hong Cui, Library and Archives Canada Transition to NACO: Managing English and French files at LAC In addition to contributing records to the NACO Authority file (NAF), LAC now maintains and manages a separate French-Language authority file, Canadiana Name Authorities in French ...
ALA authority control interest group-FINAL_Hong.pptx
Dominique Bourassa P arlez-Vous NACO?: Authority Training at LAC This presentation will highlight the process through which LAC cataloguers, a bilingual staff, have become NACO participants. Along the way, you will learn about forty-seven trainees, twenty-one reviewers, thirteen...
Parlez-Vous Naco.pptx
Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group by Janis Young at the 2019 ALA Midwinter meeting. #Annual #DivisionALCTS #DivisionLITA #ACIG #Authorities
ACIG presentation--Young.pptx
Sarah Stacy, Library and Archives Canada : A history of bilingual cataloging at LAC continues Over the last forty years Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has developed bilingual cataloguing policies, allowing Canadians to access publications in both Official Languages. Our bilingual...
ALA Authority Interest Group_Final - Sarah.pptx
Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group by Janis Young at the 2019 ALA Midwinter meeting. #Midwinter #DivisionALCTS #DivisionLITA #Authorities #Cataloging
ACIG presentation Young.pptx
Presentation on the new OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary at ALA Midwinter 2019. OLAC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers) has long been looked to as an organization providing guidance for cataloging audiovisual items. Its new resource, the OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary, offers the cataloging...
OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary presentation.pptx
Please find attached the minutes from the ALA LITA Instructional Technologies Interest Group meeting #ALAAC18, Sat June 23 10:30-11:30, Morial Convention Center, Rm 275-277 #Annual #DivisionLITA #meeting #minutes
18June23LITAInstructionalTechnologiesIG MinutesGHLR.pdf