Provides a forum for the exchange of information about library services in local history and genealogy. Creates and fosters an environment for creativity and growth by acting as a catalyst for new ideas and problem-solving initiatives.
last person joined 3 months ago
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This is a discussion group to explore the implications of Generative AI programs like ChatGPT on reference, instruction, and other user services.
last person joined 4 days ago
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) HS History Librarians Discussion Group
Provides a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to interlibrary loan and resource sharing among all types of libraries
last person joined 21 days ago
The purpose of this group is to share ideas and develop new connections for future collegiality and support. Topics for discussions include but are not limited to retention improvements, introduction to higher education research skills development, outreach, first generation students, international students, students enrolled simultaneously in high school and college (dual enrollment programs), reference services, etc. Please contact Summer Peng ( for questions and suggestions.
last person joined 2 months ago
The focus of the Copyright IG is on providing a forum for the RUSA community to exchange ideas relating to copyright law and its application, to strengthen communication and cooperation among RUSA members on issues relating to copyright, and to provide opportunities for growth and improved reference services.
last person joined 8 months ago
Many libraries of all types are involved or want to be involved in providing financial literacy programming, financial reference assistance, personal finance collections, and other library services and resources that support their users’ information needs for financial decision-making. This RUSA interest group is focused on sharing ideas and building a community around those already engaged in or interested in exploring the topic of financial literacy and libraries.
last person joined 18 days ago
This Interest Group will focus on the topic of Shared Collections, which can encompass shared print initiatives, shared storage facilities, and prospective sharing of collections through cooperative collection development.
last person joined 11 days ago
Discuss, promote, and support the role of reference and user services in academic libraries
last person joined 22 hours ago
Achievement Award Chairs
Book and Media Award Chairs
Civil Legal Justice Project
Community Admins
Elected Leaders
RSS and REFORMA Task Force
Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Interest Group
Financial Literacy Interest Group
First Year Experience Interest Group
Physical Delivery Interest Group
Shared Collections Interest Group