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Amy Luu

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Posted By Amy Luu Oct 11, 2022 04:55 PM
Found In Egroup: PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Cohort
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Hello all, Mary-Clare had sent out info about a Webinar next week for facilitators? I have the date saved but no link. Any news?  Thanks Amy L  LA County Library ------------------------------ Amy Luu Community Library Manager LA County Public Library She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Posted By Amy Luu Sep 02, 2022 02:15 PM
Found In Egroup: PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Cohort
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Thanks Mary-Clare! We have to use specfic templates for our Library. In addition to including the logos do you need us to provide any additional language? ------------------------------ Amy Luu Community Library Manager LA County Public Library She/Her/Hers ------------------------------