Project Outcome for Public Libraries - Peer Discussion Board

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Project Outcome ( helps public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs. It is designed to give libraries simple tools and supportive resources to help turn better data into better libraries. This community is for Project Outcome users at public libraries to discuss their use of outcome measurement, ask each other about patron engagement strategies, and further the thoughts and conversations that begin with Here, you can find various threads to ask and answer questions, start your own conversations, or further your own learning about how libraries are using outcome measurement to improve their patron-focused programs and services.
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  • 1.  Wrong Date on Printable Surveys

    Posted Aug 24, 2024 10:19 AM

    I discovered today that when I copy a past survey and generate a printable PDF, it prints with the original survey's date instead of the new survey's date.

    I was not really a fan of the date being pre-printed on the surveys originally because it meant that extra copies could not be used for following programs (so much waste...), but I had to live with it. But this is just a big problem.

    Frank Skornia
    Digital Librarian
    Ferguson Library

  • 2.  RE: Wrong Date on Printable Surveys

    Posted Aug 29, 2024 01:05 PM
    Edited by Katina Jones Aug 29, 2024 01:06 PM

    Hi Frank - thanks for your message!

    I pulled the following from the Creating a New Survey  resource in the tutorials section of the toolkit. In short, if you plan to use a survey for more than one date, be sure to choose multi-day program during survey creation step 2.

    The program date should indicate the time period when the program took place and should match that of the program you are surveying. The program date can be a single day or a date range. The program date can also be used when building and viewing reports to sort or filter survey data.

    If you choose a single date for a program, you'll need to create a new survey if you want to measure the same program again at a later date. To enter a single date, simply select a program date from the calendar or type it into the field.

    If you choose a date range, you can collect and enter results from multiple program dates into one survey dataset. When using a date range, it is easier to review data over a period of weeks, months, quarters, or the entire year. To enter a date range, click multi-day program and then select or type an end date into the field.

    The multi-day program choice should also prevent a date from being added to the PDF for the paper survey. Unfortunately, in my testing of copying from a single-date survey, I also could not get the date on the copied survey to change. In this instance, creating a new survey instead of copying another would be best practice.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions or if what has been suggested here doesn't seem to be working from your account.

    All the best,

    Katina Jones
    PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
    American Library Association

  • 3.  RE: Wrong Date on Printable Surveys

    Posted Aug 29, 2024 03:55 PM

    Thank you for your response.

    So this probably means that the feature to copy a single-date survey should probably be removed as it does not work properly?


    Frank Skornia
    Digital Librarian
    Ferguson Library