Social Work Interest Group

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last person joined: 22 days ago 

This community is for anyone interested in learning more about social work in public libraries. The PLA Social Worker Task Force will use this space to discuss issues facing public libraries, provide a space to connect with others, generate and share best practices and resources.
  • 1.  Client Tracking Software

    Posted Sep 19, 2019 08:51 AM
    Those of you who use any type of Client Tracking Software can you please share what software you use and the pros and cons of that software. If you do not use any software, can you still inform me on how you keep track of how many clients seen, new clients/repeat clients, client needs, and any additional information that you do track and report on?

    I am the Library Social Worker at the Newark Public Library System in Newark, NJ. I have only been here for 6 months but I want to start tracking and reporting more information to my director, board, and potential funders to continue to be able to show the need and value of having a full-time professional social worker on staff. 

    Thank you all for your input!

    Jessica Campbell, MSW
    Library Social Worker
    Newark Public Library

  • 2.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Sep 19, 2019 09:13 AM
    Hi Jessica,
    I have created a google form the DCPL Peer Outreach Specialists fill out for every engagement they have with a library customer. I supervise three peers so I use this as a supervision tool and a way to track customer engagements. I am the only person who can see the responses from the form and in this way I can track information. Because of funding source, I track a lot of different information, which I then provide to the funder on a monthly basis (SAMHSA). What I track on the google form:
    1. Date of engagement
    2. Branch where engagement took place
    3. Customer initials
    4. Gender
    6. Housing status
    7. What type of engagement this was: rapport building, referral to services, if the peer was accompnanying a consumer to appointment
    8. What the engagement related to: housing, food, medical care, ID, etc.
    9. Whether this is a new client or a returning client (someone they have engaged with before)
    10. Then they write a couple of sentences of notes

    Let me know if you have questions.


    Jean Badalamenti, MSW
    Health and Human Services Assistant Manager
    Service Design and Engagement
    DC Public Library

  • 3.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Sep 19, 2019 09:26 AM

    Thank you so much for providing me with this information. This is very helpful! 

    - Jessica

    Jessica Campbell
    Library Social Worker
    Newark Public Library

  • 4.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Sep 19, 2019 07:19 PM
    All communities must use coordinated entry for homeless services, and have likely ​selected an authorized Homeless Management Information System to track potential residents. If that is a significant portion of the persons you serve, you may want to contact your homeless Continuum of Care Coordinator to learn about that system, instead of creating your own.

    Kit Lowrance

  • 5.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Apr 26, 2020 01:47 PM
    Hi Jessica,

    I don't have any input on tracking software but I'm hoping that you will be willing to connect to discuss the program that you have set up in Newark. I am a library employee and social worker in a near by NJ town and would really appreciate your input. 

    Thank you,
    Robin Keegan

    Robin Keegan

  • 6.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Apr 28, 2020 10:46 AM

    Please send me an email and we can set something up. I would love to connect with you.

    Jessica Campbell
    Library Social Worker
    Newark Public Library

  • 7.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Apr 28, 2020 06:22 PM
    We have been using Charity Tracker for the past five or so years. I really love the customizability and reporting options. We keep detailed case notes and also have several grants, so this helps us track every interaction, application, referral, etc. 

    Some communities are using it with HMIS (ours is not). 
    You get a free trial to see if it works for you. Their customer service is top-notch.

    Lee Patterson, LMSW
    Library Social Work Manager
    Richland Library

  • 8.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Apr 29, 2020 10:30 AM
    Hello everyone,

    We use a simple google form which tracks some data. I've attached a PDF of this form. Additionally, as we are running a call center during our covid closing, we are tracking those calls as well, that is also attached. Thanks!


  • 9.  RE: Client Tracking Software

    Posted Apr 29, 2020 01:40 PM
    Here at DCPL we use a google doc similar to what Elissa posted. We track much more information like where the person is staying, what kind of referrals we make, and include some notes on the interaction including the customers first name and last initial. This is internal, only for library use and for supervision purposes. 

    We also use HMIS so that people can be connected with housing through the coordinated matching system.


    Jean Badalamenti, MSW
    Health and Human Services Manager
    Service Design and Engagement
    DC Public Library