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Ms. Maria Lagasca

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Maria Lagasca

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Posted By Maria Lagasca Nov 08, 2022 05:20 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I love this idea and I hope more libraries pursue this route.  Piggy backing on your comment, I like to make sure my questions are written for anyone to understand.  English is not my first language and sometimes when questions use big words, I have a hard time understanding. It's also rather intimidating. ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Mar 01, 2022 03:36 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Howdy everyone, The Online Discussion Forum Committee's March 2022 topic is Library vs. Manager.  According to Michele Leininger and her WebJunction presentation, From Librarian to Proficient Managers: Uncovering the Transitional Journey, there is limited research on how librarians become managers.  ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Dec 04, 2021 01:39 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hi again, Thank you to all who participated! I've learned several things regarding librarianship.  Below are some key takeaways from this discussion: Librarians are multi-talented It may take people some time to figure out they want to a librarian because librarianship is always presented ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Nov 22, 2021 07:18 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I second normalizing the language Ella.  In my previous place of employment, while we were given a safe space to voice our concerns regarding COVID, at the end, I believed it really didn't matter because higher ups were going to make their decision.   I guess it was cathartic to let my fears be known, ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Nov 15, 2021 08:05 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Thanks for the reply Ella!  When I was job hunting, I had to rewrite my resume and pretty much itemize all the things I do as a librarian that people had no clue I did. I agree, I think we should promote ourselves as information professionals but then I think that title dehumanizes us a bit and again ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Nov 15, 2021 07:47 PM
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Hi Kestrel, Thanks for the reply!  It never occurred to me the need to demystify the profession.  Now that I think about it, you're right.  As a librarian, I don't really enjoy being seen differently from other people or worst better than other people because I am a librarian. Firstmost, I am human ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Nov 07, 2021 02:19 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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I often feel many people, including the people closest to me, are unaware of all of my job duties.  Especially when I go to the stores and don't qualify for an educators discount at bookstores or am considered a front line position.  I feel the world could reuse a re-education of the role of current ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Oct 31, 2021 12:48 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Good day everyone, The NMRT Online Discussion Form Committee's November topic is Promoting Librarianship as a Career Path. When I was younger, I remember during career day, we always had a librarian visit to tell us about her occupation and furthermore, we always took an annual visit to libraries ...
Posted By Maria Lagasca Oct 11, 2021 04:07 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hi, I am a newbie librarian working at a public library.  I've experienced odd experiences (only a few) regarding the librarian stereotype.  One day when I wore my leather jacket to work a man asked for a librarian and when I told him I was one, he looked and replied "you don't look like a librarian." ...