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Baxter Andrews

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Baxter Andrews

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Posted By Baxter Andrews Feb 01, 2016 01:08 PM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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Greetings all! I have the unique opportunity to work at the US Dept of Interior, Office of the Solicitor as a Paralegal in one of their 9 bureaus here in Idaho, consequently, my last day is February 3, 2016. If anyone wants to keep in touch my email:; Cell 208-353-1537 ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Jan 15, 2016 11:45 AM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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Greetings! This is the FTRF Liaison Report I intend to give in 15 minutes. ALA GODORT Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Liaison Report Submitted By: Baxter Q. Andrews, Idaho Commission for Libraries FTRF was established in 1969 as a First Amendment legal defense organization affiliated ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Dec 10, 2015 12:55 PM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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The Comic Book Defense League (CBLDF) reports In a victory for the freedom to read, the school board in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has voted 5-0 to adopt a proposed curriculum that includes High school teacher Kirsten ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Dec 08, 2015 11:17 AM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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The American Library Association (ALA) welcomes James LaRue, Director, ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, and Executive Director, Freedom to Read Foundation, effective January 4, 2016. In his application, LaRue noted “My passion for this core principle of librarianship is tightly bound with my own ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Nov 17, 2015 01:13 PM
Found In Library: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
Hi all, Attached is the 2016 Midwinter ALA Conference Calendar for OIF. Please let me know if you have difficulty accessing the attachment. I, unfortunately, will not be attending the Conference. Mid-Winter FTRF Calendar.doc #GeneralNewsandDiscussion
Posted By Baxter Andrews Sep 23, 2015 07:54 AM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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Google's informal appeal against a French order to apply the so-called "right to be forgotten" to all of its global Internet services and domains, not just those in Europe, has been rejected. The president of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), France's data protection ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Sep 10, 2015 07:14 AM
Found In Library: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
FROM: Kristin Pekoll, Assistant Director Office for Intellectual Freedom “In the News” is an email that I send out weeklyish as I am alerted to stories online about book challenges, privacy, internet filtering and censorship in libraries and schools. August 11 – September 9, 2015 Censorship ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Sep 04, 2015 10:18 AM
Found In Library: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
Greetings fellow GODORT members! Freedom to Read Foundation UPDATE: The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) and American Library Association (ALA) on Thursday joined with booksellers, international librarians, and research librarians to file an amicus brief defending their ability – and the ability ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Jul 13, 2015 09:54 AM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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Hi Stephen, I work for the State of Idaho, Idaho Commission for Libraries and I am interested in this position. I am a paralegal by way of education. I attached my resume for your convenience. Thank you for putting my name as a candidate for this appointment position.
Posted By Baxter Andrews Jul 13, 2015 09:53 AM
Found In Library: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
Greetings from Boise, Idaho! I co-publish the Idaho Public Libraries stats, make awesome info-graphs, and best of all I am the Idaho Commission for Libraries GIS agency representative. I've made maps for library programs and to identify library districts. I'm so excited ALA has this MAGIRT opportunity. ...
Posted By Baxter Andrews Jun 22, 2015 02:24 PM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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Greetings from Boise, Idaho. I co-publish the Idaho Public Libraries stats, make awesome info-graphs, and I am our agency's GIS mapping specialist. I love stats and research! Check us out: