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Dr. Ridie Ghezzi

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Posted By Ridie Ghezzi Nov 22, 2011 03:30 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Leadership Discussion Group1
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I agree an in person gathering at Annual would be a great place to start. If we can preced that with a virtual meeting (or two) that would be wonderful as well, and may make a discussion at Annual more effective. I don't know about Google Hangouts but now will look into it. Sounds intriguing!
Posted By Ridie Ghezzi Nov 08, 2011 03:46 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Leadership Discussion Group1
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I'm sorry, I don't know what DISC is. Brief explanation?
Posted By Ridie Ghezzi May 26, 2011 08:59 AM
Found In Egroup: Mobile Computing Interest Group LITA
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Hi Bohyun, Here at Dartmouth College Library we are in the process of pulling together our first mobile web presence for the library. Either as a 15 minute presentation or in discussion I would be happy to talk about the process we've gone through to this point, how we pulled together information on ...