Today the LITA Mobile Interest Group hosted our midwinter webinar. The recording can be found here via Adobe Connect: The time stamps for each speaker are listed behind their presentation title, if you’d like to jump ahead to a particular presentation. Thank you to our great speakers!
Laurie Bridges
Oregon State Universities Libraries
LITA Mobile IG Chair
Sponsored by the LITA Mobile Interest Group
1. WeChatting at the Library: Supporting Virtual Services on the WeChat App / :42
Presenter: Raymond Pun, Reference and Research Services Librarian, New York University Shanghai
WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed in China. It was released in 2011 and currently has over 355 million users. Most of the users are from East Asia, particularly China. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss opportunities, best practices and outreach strategies to support students' needs through the WeChat app. The presenter will share his experiences and observations in serving the freshmen students in the school since last semester. All of the students use this app to connect with their friends on campus, however, the Library has taken this service to the next step to provide reference and research support. The WeChat has many useful functions: the app can send files; support video-chat features, group and voice messaging. The presenter will also explore the cultural challenges in providing this service and how this service became customized to support both Chinese and international students in NYU Shanghai. Attendees will learn about the mobile app and discover the possibility of integrating this app with their virtual services as an outreach tool to support their international students from Asia who are using this app frequently.
2. Reimagining the First Year Library Tour / 12:45
Presenter: Rob Walsh, Social Sciences Librarian at Trinity College Library
"Photobomb the Library" is updated version of the traditional scavenger hunt, predicated on the idea that the physical library - its spaces, resources and staff - is a crucial place with which to be familiar. Using Evernote on their mobile devices, groups of students in a first year seminar were given ten tasks (e.g. "Find a print journal that is older than you are. Hold it up, and say 'cheese!'") that acquainted them with the spaces, resources and staff of the library - they were forced to get up and explore at their own pace. The objectives of this activity are to introduce first year students to Evernote, a tool that will prove useful in their future studies; to introduce first year students to the library and its resources, while avoiding a traditional (read: dreaded) library tour; and, to build community among first year students.
3. Starting a Device Club / 32:01
Presenter: Deloris Foxworth, Lecturer Information Communication Technology, University of Kentucky
As a technology manager at a public library I was often challenged to explain to patrons how their devices worked. I did this in a variety of ways. I helped patrons one-on-one and through group workshops. In an attempt to help more people and connect users to other users of the same device I thought about creating device clubs for some of the more popular devices. The idea behind these clubs was not only to equip patrons with additional skills and products for their devices, but also to develop a sense of community among users of the same device. My ultimate goal was to set up several clubs (for different devices) that would meet regularly (monthly, initially) to explore a feature of their device.
4. Ride the Wave: Empowering Student Success through Information Literacy / 44:28
Presenter: Alys Jordan, Sp. Ed., Head of Research, Instruction & Outreach Services, University of Alaska Fairbanks
The presentation will describe how using Adobe Connect or NearPod apps on mobile devices combined with Springshare provides an interactive learning environment virtually. Adobe Connect or NearPod can assist in reaching distance students to practice keyword searches, receive immediate feedback, handouts, and a recording of the session to address various learning styles. I have developed online instructional sessions to embed information literacy into core courses and orientations in School of Business and Institute for the Study of Human Services, Health, and Justice. To address the needs of NSU students enrolled at the six Student Education Centers and online, Ride the Wave: Empowering Student Success workshops were developed. The workshop series included library instruction, APA, Endnote, writing, and work and life balance workshops. NSU libraries, Student Activities, and the Writing Center collaborated to support student academic needs.
If you have any questions please contact Laurie Bridges, LITA Mobile Interest Group Chair,