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Cassandra Collucci

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Cassandra Collucci

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Posted By Cassandra Collucci Sep 15, 2023 10:08 AM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Sep 15, 2023 09:44 AM
Found In Community: LEARNRT Round Table
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I am working on re-developing our customer service training that we offer new employees. It had been offered as part of our new employee orientation, along with information on our organization and policy and procedures because we wanted to consolidate training during Covid when we were offering this ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 11, 2022 04:09 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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This poll is not binding or official, but meant to help facilitate discussion among RTCA STF representatives around standardizing dues for round tables. The information gathered here is meant to help determine what kinds of rates might be acceptable for ALA round tables, and why those rates are important. ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Apr 01, 2022 12:42 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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If you haven't had a chance to vote yet,  please take a moment to look at our write-in candidates.  Write-in for Secretary: Melissa Potter Assistant Library Services Director at Burbank Public Library Write-in for Member at Large William Modrow Head, The Department of Steward & Sustain: ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Mar 30, 2022 03:38 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Great! Thank you so much. I'm asking Colleen Hooks to add the write in to our newsletter so people know to write you in for that position.
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Mar 29, 2022 04:38 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Hi Everyone --  You may have missed Kimberly Harden-Brown's email in January but we still have open spots on our ballot and elections don't close for a few more weeks. If you are interested in being a write- in for an open position, let the group know so we can get you elected.  Please cast your ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Feb 15, 2022 04:08 PM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Nov 01, 2021 01:20 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Hi LearnRT community -  I am working on a presentation that goes into example of adapting a hybrid approach for staff training, meetings, and events. I have my own adaptations that I will use as examples of changes I've made to employee onboarding, connection events for staff, and hybrid manager training. ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 20, 2021 10:18 AM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 20, 2021 10:15 AM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
The preliminary September 2020 Performance Report. These performance reports cover the first month of FY 2021.   Please take note of the following: Membership dues revenues are recorded per budget Subscription revenues are recorded per budget Endowment activities are not recorded
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 20, 2021 10:13 AM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 20, 2021 10:12 AM
Found In Library: LEARNRT Round Table
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Oct 07, 2020 03:11 PM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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I am looking to spruce up some of my online training tutorials with animation videos or something similar. In the past I've used GoAnimate (now Vyond) and I currently use Camtasia and then integrate the videos into Niche Academy.  I am working on getting pricing from Vyond but they are very very slow.  ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 13, 2020 09:58 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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Thank you so much for all the ideas. This is our agenda (and I've been updating/adjusting it after we've had a session.) The feedback has been positive but I'm trying to cut down on the content. Our in-person session is 4 hours and I cut down the first virtual presentation to 2.5 hours.  Agenda:  ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 11, 2020 07:52 AM
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I will be running our 2nd virtual new employee orientation in a few weeks. The first one in June went well with modifications but I'm looking for some ideas on fun activities we can do in a virtual environment.  I tried a jeopardy style trivia game last time but going back and forth between the presentation ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Jun 16, 2020 08:27 AM
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The library system that I work at had a 2 year contract with before it was purchased by Microsoft and became LinkedIn Learning. We will not be renewing our contract. Why? LinkedIn, which owns the Lynda product, has significantly changed their licensing terms, and will require any patron who ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Feb 12, 2020 06:41 PM
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I've worked with the Transgender Training Institute in Philadelphia. We've had them come and do a staff training for our youth services team. They work with school (K-12) so they would be a good resource. Regards, Cassandra ----- ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Jan 25, 2020 06:35 PM
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I can share the topics and some facilitator notes from our managerial development sessions. We are modifying it moving forward but we will be keeping some components.
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Sep 24, 2019 07:57 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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I can give an update on how we are now handling the situation.  We needed to review our policy and procedures because some information was hidden away  under our travel information and staff wouldn't necessarily know to look in that location for direction.  We now send out a call to submit proposals ...
Posted By Cassandra Collucci Aug 05, 2019 10:05 AM
Found In Egroup: LEARNRT Round Table
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In the library system (public library) I work in we have an informal process in place for submitting proposals via a shared document. This allows Training & Development, as well as our directors, to guide staff through the process.  The library system I work in has policies and procedures in place for ...