LEARNRT Round Table

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 Staff Customer Service Training

Cassandra Collucci's profile image
Cassandra Collucci posted Sep 15, 2023 10:08 AM

I am working on re-developing our customer service training that we offer new employees.  It had been offered as part of our new employee orientation, along with information on our organization and policy and procedures because we wanted to consolidate training during Covid when we were offering this as an online class.  There is a lot to cover, so we are breaking customer service out as its own session. 

We touch on: 

  • Principles of library service (Bill of Rights and Ethics)
  • Customer Service Documents
  • Approach to Customer Service (Verbal/nonVerbal)
  • Handling Challenging Situations
  • Internal Customer Service
  • Discussion via Case Studies

Does your organization have a customer service training that you could share?  Or other discussion topics that are useful? 

I'm happy to share what I receive and kick-off with sharing our old slide deck. 

Happy Training!

Cassie Collucci