On 19 August, IFLA's Knowledge Management section (KM) and the Section on Education and Training (SET) in collaboration with Erasmus University Library, are organising a Satellite Meeting before the 2023 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The focus will be on "Perspectives on Global Knowledge Management Education and Training". In this satellite conference, we will explore the different regional and national approaches to KM training and education. Invited speakers will share their experiences with KM education and training in their countries or regions. Throughout the day, we'll engage in activities, such as a knowledge café, where attendees will share ideas on how to build collaborations for advancing KM education and training on a global scale within libraries and other information organizations.
Registration will close soon. Thanks to GOBI/Ebsco, this preconference is free!
Maggie Farrell
ALA Treasurer
Dean of Libraries
University of Nevada, Las Vegas